One year in, and the mission only continues to get better. I love it here and I am so grateful for every experience that I've had so far.
A few highlights from this week include:
Tuesday we had interviews with President Bendixsen at the mission office. The mission office is about a half hour away so it should have been simple. Unfortunately for us, all of the taxis went on strike so we had to find another way to get there. After 3 hours of improvised travel plans, we arrived and had our interviews.
Thursday was the one year anniversary of the start of my mission. We had been invited to a wedding but when we arrived at the supposed venue, there was no wedding to be found. That same day, I fell on the road and scratched up my hands pretty badly. I'm all good now. Anyway, that evening we went with a couple of the other Elders to the Burger King at the airport to celebrate my year mark.
Friday we received that unfortunate news that one of our amis has passed away. Last time that we saw her, just a couple of weeks ago, she told us that she was feeling a bit sick. On Friday, while visiting her daughter, we were told that she had passed away. In the words of the daughter, "nous sommes dévastés," or, "we are devastated." In situations like these, I find myself increasingly grateful for the Plan of Salvation which tells is that, through Jesus Christ, we will one day be reunited with our loved ones. Life does not end with death.
Saturday we had exchanges with our zone leaders. I got to work with Elder Koffi. He's Ivorian and he's a fantastic missionary. I had a great time teaching with him. At the end of the day, while we were on our way to the zone leaders' apartment, Elder Koffi noticed his ami with a glass of beer in hand. He walked up to her, asked her to pour it out and, after she said that she would just do it after we left, he took the glass and poured it out. Afterward, he took the bottle from behind her and poured out what remained. Luckily she didn't seem mad about it at all. We shared a laugh about it afterward.
This week has been great and, in all, the first year of my mission has been fantastic. I am so grateful for all of the change that I've experienced over the last year. In that year, I've become a missionary, moved away from home, moved to Africa, learned French, and made more life-long connections than I ever could have expected. I love this place and I love this work.
Elder Farr
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