Hey everyone! It's been another great week here in Affery! The work continues to go well and I'm loving the experience.
One of the greatest blessings of being able to serve out here in Côte d'Ivoire is that just about everyone is interested and ready to hear what we have to say. It's awesome to be able to just walk down the street and then just *bam* someone invites you to sit down and share your message. The work thrives out here and I couldn't be happier for it.
Another awesome blessing is how whenever we're giving a lesson, people will just come, sit down, and listen in. Actually most of our most solid Amis have been found that way. All of our discussions are had outside so if people are passing by and are interested, they come to listen. It's amazing.
This weekend we had District Conference with all of the Branches in our District. It was awesome to get to hear from our Mission Leaders and Area Authorities.
I've been getting really excited for General Conference coming up in just a few days! I'll be listening in French so I'm not sure how much I'll really be able to understand but I have a testimony of the spirit that General Conference brings, regardless of the language. I invite you all to tune in and listen to our beloved Prophet and Apostles.
I hope you all have a great week! Love you all! I'll include some pictures from the last few weeks at the end of this email.
Avec amour,
Elder Farr
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