Bonjour mes amis!
One month down and I have to say: never has a month gone passed for me quite as quickly as this one has. It's astounding, really. In only a week, I will be officially finished with the MTC and will be preparing to report to the field!
I am loving being a missionary! I know I say it basically every week, but missionary work is the single most important thing I could be doing right now. I am stoked to get out and serve in New Hampshire.
This week went by very quickly for me. Class always felt like it started and then ended immediately after. French is getting fun. And by fun, I mean absurdly complex. But I know that I have been and will be blessed to keep up with all of the new information.
Elder Card and I were able to teach a few more TRC's this week. One was in French and, like last time, was strongly mediocre. We're starting to catch on though, which is good. We also taught an English TRC with this guy named Collin. It was our first time meeting with somebody for a second time and we're looking forward to a third lesson this Monday. One of my greatest blessings as a missionary is the joy I find in teaching. It brings me so much light. I am stoked to be teaching for the rest of my life.
The district is great. Our more casual hangouts tend to be the highlight of my week. I'll include some pictures below so you can get a little peek into what goes on in those zoom rooms.
Story time: A few days ago, we were taking a ten minute break in the middle of class. After the break, we were all starting to turn our cameras back on when Sœur Stevens' camera popped on to reveal, not the sister missionary we all know and love, but to a clearly bearded man. The thing was, Sœur Stevens was set to lead that day's discussion. So the "New Sœur Stevens", in the highest voice they could muster, began to lead the discussion on her behalf. The caliber of laugh that escaped my mouth was unreal. Anyways, that was just about the highlight of my week.
I love you all. I love the Gospel and can say, with more confidence than ever, that it is true. I hope you all have a fantastic and spirit-filled week :)
Bonne semaine!
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