Saturday, November 21, 2020

Tout Va Bien - Home MTC, Mesa AZ

 The MTC continues to be a rollercoaster. What I said last week about "strong feelings of peace amid world-shattering stress" rings ever truer for every week I progress. In the best way possible, I am drained of every energy I have. I love missionary work and have latched onto it easier than I ever expected before the mission. I am looking forward to being out in the field after these last three weeks of the MTC.

I love French. While difficult, it is such a beautiful language. In the last couple days I have been more motivated than ever and have been really diving into this language. The more I learn about it, the more I fall in love with French.

Elder Card and I taught our first French TRC this week. While it might not have been any A+ lesson or anything of the sort, having that experience has boosted my confidence in the language tenfold. I know that as I continue to devote my time to missionary work, I will continue to be blessed to pick up this language.

I love my district. We take quite a bit of time to just hang out and it's so much fun. The experiences I've had with my district over the last three weeks squash any concerns of loneliness I might've had coming up to the mission. We never cease to make each other laugh. 

I've been using a good amount of my free time multitracking some of my favorite hymns in French. It's been a great way for me to keep singing while also learning some extra French. At the bottom I'll attach the first of many tracks I've recorded these last few weeks. It's a French translation of "It Is Well With My Soul" I recorded on my first P-day. (Fair warning for any French speakers, my pronunciation is exactly what you would expect from a fourth day French student.) 

We talked a lot about the true nature of repentance this week. The main takeaway for me was that repentance is ANYTHING that brings our personal path closer to Christ's path. When somebody says that they need to repent, it tends to carry this negative connotation. But repentance, while important, does not need to be made into this big ordeal. Repentance is in the little things, be it going to church, reading your scriptures, remembering to say your prayers. There is no limit to the frequency or form of our repentance. 

Yesterday, our dear Prophet, President Nelson, shared a fantastic message about gratitude that made me shed many a tear. If you haven't already, please take a few minutes to watch it here.

Au revoir!

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