Hey everyone, big news! I've officially been a missionary for six whole months! It's crazy how the time passes. I can't necessarily say that it's been quick, because sometimes it's felt super super slow, but it's still crazy that I've already hit this milestone.
It's been another awesome week here in Affery! We've been working really hard and we've found a whole bunch of really solid people to teach! We've been putting our all into the work I couldn't be happier about it.
We've been teaching Seminary the last few weeks and it's been a great experience. It's awesome to be teaching and talking with all of these future missionaries. The coolest part is that Sœur Lilliane, who I baptized my first couple of weeks here, has come every week because she wants to serve a mission! That seminary class has really become a highlight of my week every week.
Story time: Every two weeks we have to take a "bus" down to Adzopé, about two or three hours away, to use the ATM and go shopping for our food. So that day was today and about half way there, Elder Kouadio realized he forgot his card. The thing is, my card was stolen just before I left America. So we had no choice but to have them drop us in another village and take a taxi back to Affery.
So after we got back and got the card, we went back to "la gare" only to find that all of the buses were already gone.
Now for the next part of the story, I have to introduce a new character: Denis. Denis is a man who we've seen around the village a few times. He wears full winter clothes and a big motorcycle helmet 24/7. I can't even begin to explain how impossible that is in this whether. Anyways, this guy is actually insane and he's tried to follow/chase us and the other Elders home a few times. We're all pretty scared of him. He's also superhuman strong it's freaky.
So now that we've introduced Denis, Elder Kouadio and I had to find a taxi to Akoupé, the next village over, so we could find another bus to Adzopé. So we finally find a taxi, get in, and wait for the three other people that'll inevitably be sharing that back seat with us. And who happens to be one of those people but our best friend Denis. So I shared a seat with him for that taxi ride. That was probably the most uncomfortable car ride of my life. This guy is terrifying.
Anyways, we eventually made it to Adzopé with barely enough time to get our money, buy our food, and make it back on the last bus to Affery.
So that's been my week. We oughta have another baptism fairly soon so watch out for that one!
Love you all, stay safe!
Comme toujours, à la prochaine!
Elder Farr
The Affery and Akoupé Elders!